Vishvas Mote

It was my great experience of doing detoxification called as VASANTIK VAMAN, one of the panchkarma in CHARAK ayurveda clinic and panchkarna center at hughes road, mumbai.

Even though i was not suffering from any illess, i was told that Ayurveda is not just for diseased person but it also helps disease free person to keep his health normal. So my wife and me decided to visit the center. After consultation with doctor I went through this procedure and realized even normal people should go under these panchkarma treatment once a year.

Overall experience was great. staff is trained and cooperative, environment is very friendly I will strongly recommend this center for Ayurveda and panchkarma treatments.

Special thanks to Raj Shroff & family who is running such of clinic ! I wish all the best in their future endeavour.

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